Karir Kerja Migas Terbaru April 2014, PT Inti Brunel Teknindo; QMS ISO Auditor

Karir Kerja Migas Terbaru April 2014, PT Inti Brunel Teknindo; QMS ISO Auditor

loker migas 2014

PT. Inti Brunel Teknindo is the sole agent for Brunel Energy (www.brunel.net), provides specialist personnel to the international oil & gas, petrochemical, power generation and construction industries. Our clients are predominantly major operating companies and international engineering or construction companies. We have a global network with local market knowledge in 97 locations around the world. Currently, our client are looking for some positions based in Indonesia.
Client: Oil & Energy Company
Role: QMS ISO Auditor
Duration - 2 to 3 months
Location: Batam., 1 or 2 visit to Singapore in a month
Working hours – 12 hours in a day
Weekly – Mon to Saturday
Experience: Shall have experience of writing, reviewing ISO 9001 QMS Audit procedures and instructions.
Locals preferred.

  • Ability to adapt to tight deadlines, heavy workloads, and frequent changes in priorities
Please send your CV and related documents to: resume@brunel.co.id. Subject line should say "specific position" (e.g. Mechanical Engineer). Only shortlisted candidate will be process on next step.
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Judul: Karir Kerja Migas Terbaru April 2014, PT Inti Brunel Teknindo; QMS ISO Auditor; Ditulis oleh Ferry Aja; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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